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48 Million Still Drunk

Back in March, I mentioned a statistic I ran across in Maxim magazine, that 46,948,952 people in the world are drunk at any given time. That was the specific number given in the factoid, which I figured was approximately 0.68% of the population of the world. The current Playboy magazine for June 2009 has the same statistic listed on it’s “Raw Data” page, but expressed as “An estimated 0.7% of the world’s population is drunk at any given time.” There’s still no citation for the source of the factoid, but using the current world population, which as I write this is 6,910,026,951, that works out to 48,370,189 drunk souls. That makes it fairly consistent with the previous figure, so the two probably share the same source, if only they’d be so kind as to actually include it. I’d really like to know how they arrived at that figure, the criteria used, etc. You can find this statistic all over trivia sites, but no one cites its origin. Still, it’s an interesting tidbit.


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