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A Beers Of The World Tree Of Life

Today’s Beers of the World infographic is a Tree of Life design “representing 120 Beers from Around the World.” It’s the work of Aristide Lex , an Architectural designer from Boston. It doesn’t appear to be a universal chart so much as an exercise in organization, and an elegant one at that.

Here’s a description of his Beers of the World:

This poster design combines elements of graphic design and information architecture. A collection of 120 beers is organized in a radial array. Like a tree of life, the information branches outward as it narrows in specificity – continents, countries, cities, and brands. Each beer has an icon identifying coast shape, color, and brew style, and a radial bar graph shows brand longevity. Many trends become evident through the heirarchical display. For example, it’s no suprise that longevity is weighted geographically.

Here’s some close-ups of the chart.

And below is a short 3-second video of how the chart is organized.

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