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A Look at America’s Drinking Habits

As so often happens, while searching around for something in particular, I stumble on something else interesting. Today I found an article from 2011 on AdAge entitled Bottom’s Up! A Look at America’s Drinking Habits. As of 2010 (or maybe it’s 2005), on a per capita basis, more American drink soda than any other liquid. Water is second (it’s sad it’s not first) and beer is third, with milk a close fourth. Wine is only ninth, despite those obnoxious annual polls that try to convince people wine’s more popular than beer, and spirits is tied for tenth with value-added water, whatever that means (presumably with vitamins or oxygenated?). Worldwide, water is first, while Tea, only seventh in America, is second. While certain people complain about beer drinkers here, I find it far more worrisome that more people drink soda than water. Frankly, soda is far more unhealthy to drink than beer.

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