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Arcane Beer Laws

The U.S. is filled with strange laws, and the world of beer is not immune. In fact, in the states I’m familiar with, they are some of the most incomprehensible, nonsensical laws one could imagine. Many were created just after Prohibition, when almost every state rewrote their alcohol laws. And some are more modern, showing quite clearly that we have learned little in the intervening 75 years.

Of course, there are many of these odd laws that I don’t know about and, happily, Carolyn Smagalski has filled in some of the blanks. Carol writes a terrific column on beer at BellaOnline, a website for women. Here is her list of some of the quirkier ones by state:

Silly Beer Laws by U.S. State: A-M
Silly Beer Laws by U.S. State: N-Z

If you know of any others in your state, please let me know. I think I’ll start keeping a list.

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