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Beer In Ads #2405: What’s Your Trophy Triangle?

Wednesday’s ad is for Bass Ale, from 1955. Bass Ale was one of the beers that helped push me away from the regional lagers I grew up drinking in Eastern Pennsylvania, and toward more flavorful beers. Jazz clubs in New York City in the late 1970s frequently carried Bass, and I really liked how different it tasted, compared to what I was used to. In this ad, when Bass had two pale ales, red triangle and blue triangle (the only difference being that red was bottle-conditioned while blue was not). So two athletes (footballers?) are holding a trophy. They seem to play for the red and blue team and the trophy has crowns for both Red Bass and Blue Bass. How they’re going to decide is unclear to me, because isn’t the trophy usually brought out after the game? They’re both smiling, so who knows.

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