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Beer Birthday: Alan Sprints

Today is the 64th birthday of Alan Sprints. Alan was the founder of Hair of the Dog Brewery in Portland, Oregon. Alan made some of the most unique and wonderful beers, not just in Portland, but anywhere, all the more impressive because he brewed out of an old Campbell’s soup kettle. A few years ago he relocated the brewery, now with a tasting room, to a new location on S.E. Yamhill in Portland. And a couple of years back, he came over to our home and brewed a version of his wonderful Doggie Claws with my son Porter on his brew sculpture. Alan is simply one of the best brewers anywhere and one of my favorite people in the industry. Sadly, he just closed down his brewery although he will continue to do some limited releases, at least for the foreseeable future. Join me in wishing Alan a very happy birthday.

Alan pouring his beer at the Sasquatch Pro-Am Golf Tournament in 2006.

Alan standing in front of some of his aging beers, in 2007.

Alan, with Portland beer writer Fred Eckhardt, at his annual open house during OBF in 2008.

Alan with his two Washington Cask Festival ribbons at Brouwer’s in Seattle a couple of years ago for the Keene Tasting.

Sean Paxton, the homebrew chef, my son Porter, and Alan, when he brewed a version of Doggie Claws with Porter at my house three years ago.

Toasting Fred Eckhardt last year, Alan with the other founders of FredFest.

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