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Beer Birthday: Andreas Fält

Today is the 53rd birthday of Andreas Fält, who was the Brand Development Manager at Prime Beer Russia, but more recently became the export manager for Porterhouse Brew Co. I know him, like most people I suspect, from judging together all over the world, as he’s on the international beer judging circuit. Andreas is actually Swedish, but lives in Leeds, England, with his family. He’s a great ambassador for beer, and certainly one of my favorite people in the beer industry. Join me in wishing Andreas a very happy birthday.

Me, with Stephen Beaumont, Andreas, and Luc De Raedemaeker. Our last night in Mechelen before judging ended for the 2018 Brussels Beer Challenge, when a healthy percentage of the judges ended up congregated at Den Stillen Genieter, which had a pretty decent beer list though we did our best to liberate as many bottles as we could.
Me, Andreas, and Rick Kempen late one night during the Brussels Beer Challenge.
My table at the Brussels Beer Challenge a few years ago, with Andreas at the center.
Taking a motley crew after dinner to my favorite Brussels frites place, Cafe Georgette, including Andreas (on the left).
With Andreas, Lisa Morrison and Stephen Beaumont in Niagra Falls for the Canada Beer Cup.
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