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Beer Birthday: Derek Walsh

Today is the 67th birthday of Derek Walsh. Derek was born in Toronto, Canada, but has lived in the Netherlands as long as I’ve known him. He originally worked in the aviation industry, but also attended the Doemens Akademie Gräfelfing in Munich. He currently works as a consultant for BEER+, which he founded in 2002, and also works with StiBON, a beer education program. I first met Derek somewhere judging a beer competition but it was long enough ago for me not to remember when or where. But I see him frequently worldwide at various judging opportunities throughout the average year, and I love our chats over a beer. Plus, he’s a great advocate for better beer. Join me in wishing Derek a very happy birthday.

Judging last year in Gent for the Brussels Beer Challenge.
Jumping for joy, judging the Brussels Beer Challenge.
Out in Cape Town after judging in South Africa in 2022.
Derek in 2015 (photo by Paul Peng).
Derek (on the right) judging at GABF in 2023.
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