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Beer Birthday: Julie Johnson

Today is the birthday of Julie Johnson, who until several years ago was the editor of All About Beer magazine, headquartered in Durham, North Carolina. Julie is without a doubt one of the nicest people in the industry and a pleasure to work with. Plus she likes odd little German trolls almost as much as I do. Hers is pink, mine’s silver. Don’t ask — or do, if you’d like a long, rambling travel story. Join me in wishing Julie a very happy birthday.

Julie with Ray Daniels at Lagunitas during the Journalism Retreat before CBC the year it was in San Francisco.

Maureen Ogle, Jack McAuliffe and Julie at CBC in San Francisco earlier a few years ago.

Julie and me at the Rare Beer Tasting at Wynkoop several years back. (photo by Christopher Miller)

Julie provides guest vocals on Hop This Town at the Falling Rock in Denver, Colorado during GABF week in 2007.

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