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Beer Birthday: Nick Galton-Fenzi

Today is the 45th birthday of Nick Galton-Fenzi (October 18, 1979- ). He is from Perth, in Western Australia, where he’s the “Innovation and Product Development Brewer at NAH Limited, Consultant Brewer at Golden Bosun Tavern and Product Developer at Carib Brewery St Kitts & Nevis LTD” though his main gig seems to be Nick’s Ale House in Perth. Over his 25 years brewing commercially, he’s worked at and/or owned 50 different places in 23 countries. I first met Nick in South Africa judging the African Beer Cup a few years ago and have subsequently run into him in various beer competitions around the world, and he’s a great international ambassador for good beer. Join me in wishing Nick a very happy birthday.

Nick and me in Colorado earlier this year for World Beer Cup judging.
Nick and me with Markus and Pete in Minnesota for World Beer Cup judging.
Out at a bar in Capetown, South Africa, with Nick in the back center.
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