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Beer Birthday: Pete Brown

Today is the 56th birthday of Pete Brown, author of Shakespeare’s Pub and Hops and Glory, along with much else. Pete was also the winner of the UK Beer Writer of the Year in 2010. I had a chance to meet and spend some time with Pete before and at GBBF in 2009, and several times since then, including a few years ago when he stayed with me for a few days while visiting the West Coast. He’s a kindred spirit, especially when it comes to neo-prohibitionist shenanigans, and writes one of the most engaging beer blogs out there. Join me in wishing Pete a very happy birthday.

During a visit to Russian River Brewery a few years back.

Pete with Steve Parkes at a British Beer Writers event before GBBF a few years ago.

Pete and me at GBBF in 2009.

One night in Copenhagen, clockwise from bottom left: Martyn Cornell, Jeff Alworth, Evan Rail, me, Stephen Beaumont, Pete, Stan Hieronymus and Ron Pattinson.

At the end of a quick trip to Copenhagen: Pete, with Ron Pattinson, Jeff Bell, Stephen Beaumont and Stan Hieronymus.

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