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Beer Birthday: Phil Farrell

Today is the 60th birthday — The Big 6-O — of Phil Farrell. Phil these days is a Terrestrial Biological Beer Processor at StillFire Brewing in Suwanee, Georgia. When I first met Phil, he was flying for Delta Airlines, and before that had been an Air Force Aviator with a homebrewing problem. “Phil won over 500 awards including Mid-South Home Brewer of the Year (twice) and is the only home brewer to win a gold medal at the U.S. Open Beer Championship beating all the pros in his category.” In 2011, he won Beer Drinker of the Year at Wynkoop in Denver, Colorado, when they were still running the annual contest. He was also famous is certain beery circles as the Chicken Man, and took hundreds (maybe more?) photos of beer people with his rubber chicken. In 2007, I did an article for the then-new Beer Advocate magazine about beer geeks, wherein I profiled several beer geeks from around the country, and Phil’s story was included in that story:

Given the chicken in the word geek’s origins, it’s fitting that one homebrewer has combined his love of brewing with a rubber chicken. Former jet pilot Phil Farrell, a retired Lt. Colonel in the Air Force, began homebrewing over ten years ago. Living in north Georgia, he became active in a local homebrew club named the Chicken City Ale Raisers, because their home, Gainesville, Georgia, is the “Poultry Capital of the World.” The group was looking for an edge in competitions and, as a joke, Farrell picked up a rubber chicken to use as a mascot. They started winning and, looking for more magic, the chicken started coming along to festivals. As a goof, he started taking photos of the rubber chicken with brewing luminaries. At it was slow going, but once Charlie Papazian had his picture taken, things started to take off. Today, nobody squawks and Farrell has about 2,000 photos of beer people with the rubber chicken, enough to fill ten photo albums. And it’s still magic, last year Farrell was named the Mid-South Home Brewer of the Year for time. And given craft beer’s recent growth, perhaps we all owe the rubber chicken a debt of gratitude?

Phil is also frequently a steward at GABF and the World Beer Cup, and also is a judge in his own right. He also attends many national beer events and is a fun guy to talk, and drink, beer with. Join me in wishing Phil a very happy birthday.

Phil at the Hard Liver Barleywine Festival in 2005.
Phil after his rubber chicken was bronzed, in 2010.
Phil in 2011, when he won Beer Drinker of the Year at Wynkoop.

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