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Beer Birthday: Rick Kempen

Today is the birthday or Rick Kempen, who is a Bierambassadeur at Bier&cO in Amsterdam, which is a specialized beer import, export and wholesale company. Originally, Rick studied economics but applied that to beer, working as a bartender before turning his attention to the exporting and importing of beer. I first met Rick at the Brussels Beer Challenge in 2014, and run into him frequently on the international beer judging circuit, and he’s definitely a fun person to share a pint with. Join me in wishing Rick a very happy birthday.

John Holl, Rick and me outside Moeder Lambic in 2016.
Me, Andreas Fält, and Rick in Belgium in 2018.
Rick at the Brussels Beer Challenge in 2018.
Visiting Anchor Brewing in San Francisco in 2011.
Rick becoming a fellow Knight of the Brewers Mashstaff in 2015.
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