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Beer Birthday: Spike Buckowski

Today is the 57th birthday of Brian “Spike” Buckowski, co-founder of Terrapin Beer Co. in Athens, Georgia. They first made a name for themselves at GABF that first year with their Rye Pale Ale, but a few years later their Hopsecutioner IPA became their flagship. I’m pretty sure we’d run to one another at events over the years, but I got to know him better while judging in South Africa last year. And unsurprisingly, he’s a great person and terrific ambassador for good beer. Join me in wishing Spike a very happy birthday.

Me and Spike in Nashville for CBC last year.
Spike and me in South Africa in 2022.
The American judges at 2022’s African Beer Cup: Marty Nachel, Doug Odell, Spike, Pete Slosberg, and me.
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