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Beer Birthday: Steve Shapiro

Today is the birthday of Steve Shapiro Steve, who is half of the duo behind Beer by Bart, along with his wife Gail Williams. Steve’s originally from New York, but has been in the Bay Area rooting for the San Francisco Giants longer than I’ve been here. Steve was a player in local politics for many years, but for nearly twenty years he’s been writing about beer online, along with writing for the Celebrator Beer News and other publications. Over the past decade or more, we’ve become great friends with Steve and Gail and until the pandemic saw them frequently. Join me in wishing Steve a very happy birthday.

Steve and Gail at my 60th birthday party at Russian River Brewery.
The four of us seeing the musical “Groundhog Day” in San Francisco a couple of years ago.
At the Fourth Street Russian River Brewery.
Steve and me with some other beer writers in Sacramento.
Steve, Gail and a few more of us at CBC in DC in 2013.
Bryan Roth with Steve and Gail showing off their award for beer writing in 2020.
At a Giants game with Rich Norgrove in 2010.
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