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Beer Birthday: Will Meyers

Today is the birthday of Will Meyers, brewmaster of Cambridge Brewing near Boston, Massachusetts. Will’s a great brewer and an even better human being, one of the nicest in the industry. We judged together at GABF several times, but one time a few years ago, we had an incredibly difficult medal round, that might have killed or injured a lesser person. But we made it through intact. Will’s a very thoughtful brewer and a favorite of mine in the industry. Join me in wishing Will a very happy birthday.

Will, with Kevin and Megan Parisi (whose birthday is also today), then also from Cambridge Brewing, at GABF in 2009.

Accepting the award as Grand U.S. Champion from the Great British Beer Festival at GABF.

Showing off his barrel room under the brewpub during CBC when it was in Boston.

Will with his lovely bride Cindy Lou.

Will shortly before he began his career as a brewer.

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