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Beer Birthday: Win Bassett

Today is the … gulp … 28th birthday of Win Bassett, formerly of All About Beer magazine and formerly the executive director of the North Carolina Brewers Guild. To learn more about Win, check out the interview that the Beer Wench did a few years ago. In addition to his work with beer, Basett’s also an attorney who worked as a state prosecutor. Win was a great asset to the craft beer community, both in his home state and nationally. He’s recently decided to take his life in a somewhat different direction, and has enrolled in a seminary to begin the next phase of his life. So this birthday post is also something of a fond farewell. Please join me in wishing Win a very happy birthday, and also raise a toast to wish him well in his coming endeavors.

Win, along with (counterclockwise), Jim Koch, Marty Nachel, John Holl, me, Bob Townsend and Tony Forder, judging the finals of the Samuel Adams Longshot Homebrew Competition in Boston last year.

Win at DPAC with Ken Grossman, Kim Jordan and Dale Katechis.

Win, at far right, with (from the left) Jim Koch, Daniel Bradford, Jack McAuliffe, two All About Beer folks and Rick Lyke.

Gina and Brian Grossman, Daniel Bradford and Win during Asheville Beer Week.

John Holl and Mountain Man Win. [Note: last four photos purloined from Facebook. Forgive me.]

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