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Beer In Ads #3079: Falken Schaffhauser Bock Dancing Giant

Thursday’s ad is for Bierbrauerei Falken Schaffhausen, from 1932. From the late 1800s until the 1970s, poster art really came into its own, and in Europe a lot of really cool posters, many of them for breweries, were produced. This poster was made for the Bierbrauerei Falken Schaffhausen, or Falcon Brewery, of Schaffhausen , Switzerland. The brewery was founded in 1799, and is still in business today, and is “considered the only independent brewery in the Schaffhausen region,” and is Switzerland’s 5th largest brewery. This one is for their Schaffhauser Bock and shows a giant man with a pipe and mug of beer in his hands. Below him, the rest of the normal-sized townspeople dance around the Maypole, in danger of being trampled by the giant. It was created by Swiss artist Arnold Oechslin.

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