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Beer In Ads #3122: Restaurant Platzl Täglich Conzert D’ Dachauer

Friday’s ad is for Restaurant Platzl Täglich Conzert D’ Dachauer, from 1908. From the late 1800s until the 1970s, poster art really came into its own, and in Europe a lot of really cool posters, many of them for breweries, were produced. This poster is for a restaurant, Restaurant Platzl vis a vis vom Hofbräuhaus, with Karl Böhm as Restaurateur. I’m not sure where it was located as my language skills can’t make heads or tails out of the text at the bottom, which undoubtedly contains that information. It appears to be a poster for daily concerts (Täglich Konzert) although what “D’ Dachauer” means I don’t know. But I do love the miniature people below the accordion player standing on beer steins, some of them holding their own beer mugs as they enjoy the concert. The poster was created by German artist Otto Obermeier.

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