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Beer In Ads #67: Guinness’ Why Was The Hatter Mad?

Wednesday’s ad, since it’s St. Patrick’s Day, is for Guinness, but I wanted to pick one that wasn’t by John Gilroy. This one is a spoof of Alice in Wonderland from I don’t know when. The art is similar, of course, but it seems later. Beginning in 1903, numerous films have been made based on Lewis Carroll’s surreal story, but the Disney version from 1951 probably did more to popularize the story than any other, especially for kids. So based on that I’m just guessing this was before that since the artwork looks more inspired by the original illustrator, John Tenniel, than Walt. Anyway, the text spoofing the scene with the Mad Hatter is pretty funny. Happy Stout Day.

Why Was the Hatter Mad?

Have some Guinness!” said the March Hare.
“I don’t see any Guinness,” Alice replied.
There isn’t any” said the March Hare.
Then you must be mad to offer me some!” said Alice indignantly.
It’s after hours,” said the Hatter, “and we can’t get any. That’s enough to make anyone mad.”
But surely you could have ordered some to drink at home,” said Alice.
There!” said the March Hare. “We never though of that. That just shows how mad we must be.”

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