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Beer In Ads #932: Phoebe Cates For Live Beer

Tuesday’s ad is a celebrity ad, one from the 1980s. It features one of my most enduring star crushes, Phoebe Cates, who celebrates her 50th birthday today. She’s probably most famous for Fast Times at Ridgemont High and Gremlins. Like many actors in the 80s who turned down doing ads in the U.S., she found the lucrative Japanese market too hard to resist. Cates also did ads for other beer companies, such as Asahi, which I featured a few years ago in 2010’s Beer in Ads #152. This one is for “Live Beer,” or at least that’s what is written on the glass of beer she’s holding. There’s something written just below that, but I can’t quite make out what, so I’m not entirely sure what she’s advertising. I suppose it doesn’t really matter. If Phoebe’s suggesting Live Beer, I’m drinking Live Beer. Join me in drinking a toast to Phoebe Cates’ birthday. Maybe with some live beer.

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