The Brewers Association’s new website,, has a great article and interview up today with Jack McAuliffe. If you don’t know who Jack McAuliffe is, you should. McAuliife founded the New Albion Brewery in Sonoma, California in October of 1976. New Albion was the very first modern microbrewery in the country, and along with Anchor and several early brewpubs, is the reason that the San Francisco Bay Area is the birthplace of craft beer in America.
Jack in his new brewery back in the day.
Check out The Rise and Fall of New Albion Brewing led the way for the American Craft Beer Revolution by John Holl.
Sierra Nevada is also doing a collaboration beer, Jack & Ken’s Ale (a barley wine) with Jack McAuliffe as a part of their Sierra 30 Series, celebrating their 30th anniversary this year.
A New Albion label.