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Bill Brand Day 12: Still No Change

Assuming Sunday February 8 as Day One, the day Bill Brand was hit by a Muni Train, then today is Day 12 and there’s still been no change in Bill’s condition. The latest updates from Bill’s wife, Daryl, are from this morning where she writes that she is, understandably, feeling “horribly sad, [because] Bill continues to show no signs of improvement.” And also this morning on Bill’s Facebook page, the “family reports he shows no improvement and that’s not good. We are still waiting for that miracle.”

I don’t presume to speak for the entire Bay Area beer community, but I’ve talked to a staggering number of people over the past dozen days about Bill and to me there appears to be a general feeling of helplessness that there isn’t anything more we can do, no way we can truly help. All we can really do is wait and hope and pray for good news. We can — and should — keep Bill in our thoughts and hearts and continue toasting him each night around seven. Given the nature of his injuries, it may be days, weeks or even longer before his condition improves significantly. This is a vigil, and I, for one, am prepared to wait, and watch, and hope, no matter how long it takes.


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