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Brickskeller To Close

Rumors have been flying around for months, and now it looks like it’s just about official. The world-famous Brickskeller pub in Washington, D.C. on 22nd Street NW will be closing shortly.

Opened by Diane Alexander’s family in 1957, and operated for many years by her and her husband Dave Alexander, the building will apparently be renovated and turned into a boutique hotel. The Alexander’s will retain the rights to the name and most likely moved the Brick to another location. As far as I know, their other location, RFD, is unaffected by the deal and may at one point even transition into the new Brickskeller.

Bob Pease, COO of the Brewers Association (left), with Dave Alexander at a Brickskeller event this July.

The Washington City Paper blog Young & Hungry floated the rumor at least as far back as early October. Yesterday, the DC Beer blog tweeted that a “credible source [told them] that The Brickskeller will shut it’s doors for good on 12.18.” Young & Hungry picked it up from there and so has TBD Neighborhoods. And All About Beer publisher Daniel Bradford posted the news of a pending Brickskeller sale on his Facebook page. Between that, and my own unnamed sources, it looks like this is going to happen. I haven’t had a chance to talk to Dave Alexander yet, but I suspect that’s the next call. It will be sad to see the Brick gone. The last time I was there was July and it was great seeing the place packed for an event with several of the brewers attending SAVOR.

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