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CrowdBrewed: A Kickstarter For New Breweries

Here’s an interesting development. In hindsight it’s probably inevitable, especially given the sheer number of breweries in planning. There’s a new crowdfunding website that just launched. It’s called CrowdBrewed, and as its name implies, it’s specifically aimed at helping potential brewers and brewery owners raise the money they need to get started. It appears to work like Kickstarter, just with an emphasis on breweries.

Personally, I love Kickstarter. So far I’ve backed well over 100 projects through the crowdfunding website, and a few more on other similar ones. I find the idea of crowdfunding appealing, though I’ve spoken with plenty of people who feel otherwise, and they’re welcome, of course, not to participate. But if you like helping others or feeling like a small part of something you find worthwhile, take a look. Kickstarter is the king, at least for now, but there’s also Indiegogo, RocketHub, GoFundMe and many more.

As for beer, searching for it on Kickstarter reveals 311 results, so there’s certainly a ready base of potential folks for CrowdBrewed. I’ve sponsored more than a few brewery and beer-related projects, and since I’m drawn to them, it might be nice to have a single place to see what people are trying in the world of beer. Will it work, catch on, and help get some breweries started? Only time will tell.

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