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CSBA Action Alert: Trash & Trinkets Vote Monday

California State Bill AB 1245, better known as the Trash & Trinkets Bill, comes up for a vote in the state Senate early next week, possibly even on Monday. To re-familiarize with what’s at stake, please read my earlier post about the bill, which managed to make it through committee at the end of June. The California Small Brewers Association has issued an Action Alert in an effort to let state Senators know that craft beer lovers are not in favor in this bill, because it will give large breweries yet another competitive advantage and will make it more difficult for small breweries to get their product to market. If you live in California, please consider helping today, if possible, or as early Monday as you can. Here’s what you can do, from the CSBA Action Alert:

It is important to take just a few moments right now to pick up the phone and call your state Senator this afternoon and ask them to vote NO on AB 1245. This will only take a few minutes but will help our cause.

This phone call DOES make a difference. You can find the number to your Senator’s office here

Please call their Sacramento office and ask to speak to the Senator. If they cannot take your call, ask to speak to the chief of staff. If they can not take your call, talk to any staffer and ask them to be sure your message gets to the Senator.

Simply let them know that AB 1245 is a special interest bill that only one brewer supports — Anheuser-Busch. ALL other brewers are opposed to this bill. This bill is highly detrimental to the viability of craft brewers, it is anti-small business and will affect access to market for craft brewers.

Background: This bill will increase the spending limit on give-aways to consumers from $0.25 to $5.00. What A-B can buy in large quantities for $5.00 would cost a craft brewer $10-20.00. Imagine this; an A-B sales rep goes into a retailer and asks to do a Monday Night Football promotional night and will give away to all of the patrons a free mini cooler backpack. It is suggested that it might be a good idea to take off the three independent craft beers on draft and replace them with A-B brands. This is not far fetched. This bill could decrease access to market for the craft brewers of California.

If you love craft beer, please help the cause by contacting your elected Senator as soon as possible. Thank you.


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