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Czech Republic Beer

Today in 1918, the Czech Republic, then Czechoslovakia, gained their Independence from Austria-Hungary.

Czech Republic

Czech Republic Breweries

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Guild: Research Institute Of Brewing; Czech Beer & Malt Association

National Regulatory Agency: Ministry of Agriculture,
Food Production Department

Beverage Alcohol Labeling Requirements: EU Regulations

Drunk Driving Laws: BAC 0.00%

Alcohol Consumption By Type:

Alcohol Consumption Per Capita (in litres):

WHO Alcohol Data:

Patterns of Drinking Score: 3

Prohibition: On September 14, 2012, the government of the Czech Republic banned all sales of liquor with more than 20% alcohol. From this date on it is illegal to sell (and/or offer for sale) such alcoholic beverages in shops, supermarkets, bars, restaurants, gas stations, e-shops etc. This measure was taken in response to the wave of methanol poisoning cases resulting in the deaths of 18 people in the Czech Republic. Since the beginning of the “methanol affair” the total number of deaths has increased to 25. The ban remains until further notice, though restrictions were eased towards the end of September.

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