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Finland Beer

Today in 1917, Finland gained their Independence from Russia.


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Guild: Panimoliitto

National Regulatory Agency: National Product Control Agency for Welfare and Health

Beverage Alcohol Labeling Requirements: Follows Eu Regulations

Drunk Driving Laws: BAC 0.05% [Note: 0.12% (aggravated). The penalty is a fine or jail up to 6 months plus license suspension from 1 month to 5 years. For aggravated, also a prison sentence (60 days to 2 years) is possible, usually as a suspended sentence. Routine breath testing without a probable cause is permitted and often practiced. Penalties vary by level of intoxication.]

Alcohol Consumption By Type:

Alcohol Consumption Per Capita (in litres):

WHO Alcohol Data:

Patterns of Drinking Score: 3

Prohibition: 1919 to 1932 in Finland (called kieltolaki, “ban law”) [In 1919, Finland enacted prohibition, as one of the first acts after independence from the Russian Empire. Four previous attempts to institute prohibition in the early 20th century had failed due to opposition from the tsar. After a development similar to the one in the United States during its prohibition, with large-scale smuggling and increasing violence and crime rates, public opinion turned against the prohibition, and after a national referendum where 70% voted for a repeal of the law, prohibition was ended in early 1932.]

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