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Frites Love

If you’ve ever eaten with me, then you know how much I love frites. Along with bacon, cheese, potato chips, Monte Cristo sandwiches, and anything with peanut butter and chocolate, French Fries are among my favorite foods. I can eat them by the truckload, and usually do. I love all shapes and sizes, loaded with salt and with a variety of dipping sauces. One of favorite things to dip frites into is a chocolate milkshake. Yum.

Anyway, since I’m often out on beer adventures where there are also frites, I decided to start documenting the frites I encounter on a separate blog, which is called simply Frites. Wherever I encounter my beloved French Fries, I’ll take a photo, describe the frites and rate them. If you know some damn fine frites I should try, please let me know.


The wonderful shoestring frites from Father’s Office 2.


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