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Legendary Drinkers

The online version Ask Men magazine does a weekly top 10 list on a wide variety of subjects, such as “Chill Out Movies” and “Father-Daughter Activities.” This week the list is the Top 10 “Legendary Drinkers.” It’s an interesting list and they at least explain why they chose each person.

Here’s who made the list.

  1. John Barrymore
  2. Hank Williams
  3. Andre the Giant
  4. Dylan Thomas
  5. Winston Churchill
  6. Ernest Hemingway
  7. Richard Harris
  8. Edgar Allen Poe
  9. Benjamin Franklin
  10. Dean Martin


It’s a fine list and I don’t really want to quibble with it too much. Dylan Thomas, a great poet, is responsible for one of my favorite quotes. “An alcoholic is someone you don’t like who drinks just as much as you do.” But I do think there are some glaring omissions. Chief among them has to be “W.C. Fields.” But other famous drunks that come to mind are Charles Bukowski, Charles McCabe, Dorothy Parker and Hunter Thompson.

Who would you put on the list?


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