Courtesy of the folks at Australia’s Brewtopia, in New South Wales, you can make your own beer labels online. Brewtopia sells private label wine beer and bottled water that you can put your customized label on either with your company’s logo or for a wedding, anniversary or other event. I’m sure there must be something similar in the U.S., but I’ve never seen one that offered so many choices and ways to fool around making your own labels.
For the beer labels, there are a dozen basic templates that you can add your own graphics to, change the text and colors and generally muck about with it until you’re satisfied with the results. You’ll need a screen capture program if you want to keep the results of your efforts, because the work can’t be saved unless you’re in Australia and ready to buy your own contract beer. But it’s a great deal of fine if you just want to play around with your own labels.
Here are some of the labels I made for the Bulletin: