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Michael Jackson Tweets: A Joke?

As retweeted by Rate Beer, one of three he’s following, along with Beer Advocate and the Lost Abbey, some prankster has set up a Twitter account under the name “mjbeer” with Michael’s photo as the avatar and “The REAL Michael Jackson Beer Twitter” in the Bio.

So far, only three tweets have been done, all within a little over an hour. The first is a review of the Lost Abbey’s Angel’s Share.

Drinking Lost Abbey 2008 Brandy Barrel Angels Share. This beer is cloyingly sweet and undercarbonated. It’s official I’m rolling in my grave.

In the second, he (or she) confesses it’s all a “little joke” and hopes they’re “not offending anyone.”

Waiting for ratebeer to reboot. It appears that they have found my little joke. I hope that I am not offending anyone. More reviews to come.

I’m pretty hard to offend and have a fairly broad sense of humor, but reading tweets purporting to be from an old friend and colleague who died tragically too soon less than two years ago is, I must say, more than a little offensive. Am I off the mark here? Am I being a stick in the mud? Does anyone find this funny? I’m pretty sure Michael’s estate won’t find someone impersonating him very funny. It just seems wildly inappropriate to me and in very bad taste.

UPDATE: I’m happy to report that the mjbeer Twitter account appears to have been deleted and removed.

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