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More Costco Beers

Last week Miller’s Brew Blog revealed that Costco was brewing up three private label beers under the Kirkland private label brand name. Today they’re reporting a fourth one, this time a German Lager. So the news for smaller brands in Costco stores is even more grim. As I opined last week, these Costco Beers will more than likely displace existing beer skus.


The German Style Lager label.

The back label tells the tale.
NOTE: Noble Beer News has posted all four of the labels if anyone is keen to see them. I knew all the illustrations on the labels would have something to do with brewing, but curiously the Amber Ale drawing is of Weyermann Specialty Malts, a malthouse in Bamberg that I visited in November. I wonder if owners Thomas and Sabine are aware of that?


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