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Next Session Defines A “Regular” Beer

Our 49th Session brings things full circle from the very beginning of the Session, first proposed by Stan Hieronymus four years ago. Our fifth year of monthly Sessions will start with the original first three hosts, Stan, Alan (from A Good Beer Blog) and myself. The first of these blasts from the past has Stan, from Appellation Beer, taking on the topic A “Regular” Beer. What is a “regular” beer, you may be wondering? Take it away, Stan:

In March of 2007 I couldn’t have guessed the topic March 4, 2011 might be “regular beer.” How vague is that? But when in December I was motivated to post my defense of “regular beer” the course was set.

Please write about a regular beer (time to lose the quotation marks). You get to define what that means, but a few possibilities:

  • It might be your “go to” beer, brewed commercially or at home. The one you drink regularly.
  • I could be a beer your enjoy on a regular special occasion. When in San Francisco I always like to start with draft Anchor Liberty Ale. But it might be your poker night beer.
  • It doesn’t have to be a “session beer,” but it can be.
  • It probably shouldn’t have an SPE of more than $25 (that’s a very soft number; prices may vary by region and on premise further confuses the matter). Ask yourself, is it what somebody in a Miller High Life TV commercial in the 1970s could afford? Because affordability matters. I’m all for paying a fair price (which can mean higher than we’d like) to assure quality and even more for special beers, but I’m not ready to part with the notion that beer should be an everyman’s drink.
  • Brewery size, ownership, nationality do not matter. Brew length doesn’t matter. Ingredients don’t matter. It feels a little strange typing that last sentence, since the Mission Statement here says ingredients matter. But I hope you get the point. I prefer beer that costs a little more because its ingredients cost more, because there’s more labor involved. You don’t have to. Beer should be inclusive.

Still not clear? Consider this a sample post. It mostly illustrates you can write anything you damn please.

So put on your thinking cap — or should that be drinking cap? — and let everybody know what you think a regular beer might be for the next Session on Friday, March 4.

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