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Next Session Gets Things Cooking

Our 47th Session will be hosted by David Jensen of Beer 47. His topic is “Cooking With Beer,” or as he describes it:

We all know beer is great for drinking but what about using it as an ingredient in cooking? Wine is used as an ingredient for numerous dishes and recipes yet beer seems to be under utilized in cooking. However, with the rise in popularity of craft beer and advocacy from the likes of The Homebrew Chef, I think this trend is slowly changing. For the month of January, Beer 47 will be hosting The Session #47 and encouraging beer bloggers from all over the internet to discuss Cooking with Beer.

Despite my claim that beer is under-utilized there are definitely some uses of beer in cuisine such as beer-can-chicken, beer bread, beer brats, and beer battered deep-fried foods. What else have you made or tasted made with beer?

Since the topic of Cooking with Beer is broad, I invite you to share any experience that you have had with beer as an ingredient in food or for cooking. I only ask that you be sure to include other dishes besides (or in addition to) dessert, the reason being that we have already discussed Beer Desserts for The Session #30. You don’t need to exclude dessert, just please do not limit your discussion to dessert only. If you need some more inspiration for this topic, here are some more ideas:

  • Find a recipe that includes beer as an ingredient, share the recipe, cook it, and tell us the results.
  • Talk about a meal prepared by somebody else (by a friend or at a restaurant) that used beer as an ingredient.
  • What is the best dish you’ve had made with beer? The worst?
  • What are some of the challenges in cooking with beer whether it be a savory or a sweet dish?
  • What does beer add to a dish?

So get cooking and whip something up for the next Session on Friday, January 7.

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