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Next Session’s Beery Confessions: “Bless Me Father, For I Have Drank”

Our 57th Session is a bit of a last-minute hardscrabble just to make it happen, and big props to our host, Steve Lamond, from Beers I’ve Known — who was supposed to host December but stepped in to November’s glass slipper after tragedy struck our original Cinderella. The illustrious Pete Brown was supposed to host November but my reminder e-mail got lost along with his entire new book when his laptop was unceremoniously stolen. By the time the dust settled and he started rebuilding his book again from scratch, Pete understandably asked for a rain check on hosting duties. After a fruitless search, Stephanos stepped up and said he’d be happy to tackle November and so here we are, less than a week away. He’s chosen the topic Beery Confessions: Guilty Secrets/Guilty Pleasure Beer, which Stephanos describes as follows:

One of the things I most enjoy about blogs and personal writing in general is the ability to have a window into another’s life, in a semi-voyeuristic way. So I’d like to know your beery guilty secrets. Did you have a particularly embarrassing first beer (in the same way that some people purchase an atrocious song as their first record) or perhaps there’s still a beer you return to even though you know you shouldn’t? Or maybe you don’t subscribe to the baloney about feeling guilty about beers and drink anything anyway?

You’re also welcome to write about bad drinking experiences you’ve had as a result of your own indulgence or times when you’ve been completely wrong about a beer but not yet confessed to anyone that you’ve changed your mind.

Its fairly wide open, take your pick. Variety is the spice of life as they say (and I hope there’s more than 57 of them…) Blogs are due this Friday (3rd November) but as its short notice I’ll accept submissions until next Friday (11th November)

So get into the confession booth and release all your guilt by writing about it. Trust me, it will be cathartic. You’ll also be helping out Pete Brown, Steve Lamond along with Stan and me by keeping the Sessions going, so you can feel good about that and not feel any more guilt, either. So write ten hail bloody marys and ten how’s your big daddy’s for the next Session on Friday, November 3 — just 3 days from now — though our host has graciously given everyone an additional week, if they need it, to ponder their guilt and fess up.

Oh, and if some kind soul out there wants to host the December Session next month, please drop me a line or leave a comment here. It’s good karma.

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