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Patent No. 1029727A: Tap

Today in 1912, US Patent 1029727 A was issued, an invention of George Stroh, for his “Tap.” There’s no Abstract, although in the description it includes this summary:

This invention relates to taps and bushings and more particularly to that class wherein the bushing is permanently secured in a beer keg or barrel. and-a tap, so called, is arranged for coupling therewith. In such devices it is desirable that the tap be so constructed that it may be readily coupled with the bushing, and -a tight joint made therewith without the use of tools, as the coupling of the parts is usually effected when the barrel or keg is in a store room or cellar or other dark place and as the help available is usually unskilled. Furthermore it is of great advantage to have the tap constitute a single structure bodily removable from the bushing, and so arranged that the packing rings and like parts which form an essential feature of the device are not readily lost.

This invention relates more particularly to a construction of a tap sleeve whereby the coupling with a barrel bushing is readily effected by the use of the hand alone and whereby there are no loose tap parts which may be shaken off or otherwise displaced.

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