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Patent No. 2017365A: Device For Tapping Kegs

Today in 1935, US Patent 2017365 A was issued, an invention of August L. Klein, assigned to the Blatz Brewing Company, for his “Device For Tapping Kegs.” There’s no Abstract, although in the description it includes this summary:

This invention relates to apparatus for increasing the pressure in beer kegs; and more particularly, a utility device which may be used where expensive tapping apparatus is not available.

Although my invention is not limited to the dispensing of beer, beer is often stored in kegs and at picnics and other functions, difficulty is experienced in dispensing the same. It is common practice to place in the side of the keg a wooden spigot, but due to lack of internal pressure, the beer or liquid flows very slowly. My invention increases the internal pressure so that the contents of the keg are under pressure and will be forced out through the spigot.

The prime object of the invention is to provide quickly attachable means whereby the internal or head pressure may be increased, thus facilitating the dispensing of the contents of a drum or keg.

Another object is to provide means for indicating the internal pressure so that the operator will be guided in this respect.

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