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Patent No. 3065885A: Beer Barrel Tapping Device

Today in 1962, US Patent 3065885 A was issued, an invention of Victor H. Chatten, assigned to Anheuser Busch, for his “Beer Barrel Tapping Device.” There’s no Abstract, although in the description it includes this summary:

This invention relates to a new and improved device for tapping beer barrels, and in particular, relates to a barrel unit and tap unit which can be used in connection with barrels or kegs of the type in common use today. These barrels have an upper opening of standard size.

One of the principal objects of the present invention is to provide a beer barrel tapping arrangement wherein only a single top connection is made by a speed coupling requiring only a straight push to make the connection. Another object is to eliminate the tilt base and to draw the beer to the last several ounces. Another object is to provide a barrel unit which does not displace much beer and which does not have to be removed for the high speed cleaning operation performed on automatic equipment. Another object is to provide a convenient flushing valve for a beer barrel tapping unit and to eliminate all valves except for the dual v-alve which supplies the CO gas and draws off the beer.

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