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Patent No. 48791A: Improved Cooler For Beer

Today in 1865, US Patent 48791 A was issued, an invention of Justus Chollae, for his “Improved Cooler For Beer and Other Liquids.” There’s no Abstract, although in the description it includes this summary:

Our invention consists in a peculiar construction and arrangement of portable cooler for beer, cider, and other liquids.

In the construction of our improved cooler a common Water-bucket or other suitable vessel A may be used to receive the cooler proper, B,which consists of an annular chamber nearly fitting the bucket. This annular chamber B is made of galvanized iron or other suitable material. It has a large central space, C, into which the ice is placed for cooling the beer or other liquid. This chamber B is closed at top and bottom, so that the beer is not exposed to the atmosphere, and may be kept under pressure, if desirable.

The beer or other liquid is admitted to the cooler through a tube, D, which is most conveniently made of india-rubber. The stop-cock E is to be inserted into a barrel or other vessel from which the beer or other liquid is to be drawn. A tube, F, extends from the top to near the bottom of the cooler B, and is provided with a stop-cock, G, for the discharge of the beer or other liquid drectly from the bottom of the cooler. The lower end of this tube is perforated with small holes, or otherwise provided with a suitable strainer

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