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Patent No. 609970A: Apparatus For Keeping And Sending Liquid Materials

Today in 1898, US Patent 609970 A was issued, an invention of Paul Lochmann, for his “Apparatus for Keeping and Sending Liquid Materials.” There’s no Abstract, although in the description it includes these claims:

This invention relates to an apparatus in which liquids of all sorts, particularly carbonated liquids, such as beer, can be kept and preserved for a greater period of time than heretofore. A cooling device is embodied in the apparatus for the purpose of cooling off and keeping the liquid at a constant cooling temperature.

My invention consists of an apparatus for preserving liquids, comprising a vessel containing the carbonated liquid, an elastic receiver for the carbonic-acid or other gas, which has communication with the interior of the vessel, said receiver being confined within limiting-walls, against which the elastic walls of the receiver are pressed, there being combined with the receiver a spring, weight, or the equivalent for the purpose of producing extra pressure on the receiver when the elasticity of its walls is insufficient for driving out at proper pressure the gas within the same; and the invention consists, further, in combination, with said parts, of a cooling vessel which is inserted into the liquid-containing vessel, whereby the liquid is kept cool, and the invention consists, finally, of features of construction and details to be described hereinafter and then particularly claimed.

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