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Patent No. 777463A: Barrel Holder

Today in 1904, US Patent 777463 A was issued, an invention of Albert M. Woltz and Charles A. Suman, for their “Barrel Holder.” There’s no Abstract, although in the description it includes these claims:

The invention relates to a barrel-holder, and has for its object to improve the construction of barrel-holders and to provide a simple and comparatively inexpensive one adapted to be readily applied to a counter and capable of ready adjustment to suit the height of the same.

A further object of the invention is to provide a device of this character of great strength and durability adapted to readily engage barrels of different sizes and capable of enabling the same to be conveniently swung to a position beneath the counter to arrange the barrel out of the way and from under the counter when it is desired to obtain access to the contents of the barrel.

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