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Play Marzen Madness 2011

I confess I’m not the biggest fan of college basketball, but that doesn’t stop me from enjoying March Madness every year. Similar to fantasy football, I’ve set up a bracket game through Yahoo which I call “Märzen Madness.” It doesn’t look like there’s a limit to the number of people who can play, so sign up and make your picks by March 13. I’ll post and update standings each day there’s games played until a winner emerges.

To join Märzen Madness and play the Yahoo! Sports Tournament Pick’em game, just follow this link. You’ll also need a Yahoo ID (which is free if you don’t already have one), And you may, or may not, need the following information about the group information.

Group ID#: 20210
Password: beer

Also, if you know more about the NCAA Tournament than me — which odds are you do — weigh in about the best scoring method. There are three we can choose from, as follows.

  1. Do Not Use Bonus Points: Let your predictions speak for themselves. Works with any scoring system.
  2. Use Upset Pick Bonus: Bonus points for upset picks add importance to early rounds. Works best with Progressive and Straight scoring.
  3. Use Seed Difference Bonus: Seed difference multipliers put heavy emphasis on big upsets in early rounds. Works best with Yahoo! Default Scoring.

Post a comment here after you sign up and let me know which scoring system you favor. I’m pretty sure I can change it before March 13, so I’ll update it with the most popular choice on March 12. Good luck everybody.

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