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Poland Beer

Today in 1918, Poland proclaimed themselves a Republic.


Poland Breweries

Poland Brewery Guides

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Guild: The Union of Brewing Industry Employers in Poland / Polish Brewers

National Regulatory Agency: Agricultural Market Agency (Agencja Rynku Rolnego)

Beverage Alcohol Labeling Requirements: Poland follows EU Regulations

Drunk Driving Laws: BAC % Varies Note: 0.02% (driving license banned from six months up to three years, prison up to one month), 0.05% (driving license banned from 1 year to 10 years, prison up to two years). Limits and penalties for riding the bicycles are same as for motorized vehicles. Almost half of people imprisoned for drunk driving were riding bicycles.

Alcohol Consumption By Type:

Alcohol Consumption Per Capita (in litres):

WHO Alcohol Data:

Patterns of Drinking Score: 3

Prohibition: None

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