One year ago today, I was in Yakima, Washington attending Hop School. For some reason I couldn’t sleep and woke up early. I checked my e-mail and learned that Michael Jackson had passed away the night before. The beer world was stunned, myself included, and it was in a sense a national day of mourning within our community. It’s a year later, and I think that’s still true for those of us who knew Michael. I was at a wedding reception recently with some fellow beer writers and we drank a toast to his memory there, too.
So today I’ll be Remembering Michael Jackson and the legacy, influence and inspiration he left behind.
I’m volunteering at the Slow Food Nation Beer Pavilion all day today, which will afford me many opportunities to drink a toast to Michael’s memory. No matter where you are today, I’ hope you’ll do likewise.
The photos of Michael Jackson below are from the Celebrator Beer News’ own Michael Jackson Remembered page and please also visit The Beer Hunter, Michael’s “official” website.
Some early promotional shots and the last one at an event with Charles Finkel.