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Session #19 Topic Announced

Jim over at Lootcorp 3.0 has announced the next Session topic: German Beer. The next Session will take place September 5.

In honor of the start of Oktoberfest, I’ve decided to make September’s topic Deutsches Bier — German beer. I want you all to focus on the wonderful contributions our German neighbors have made to the beer world. You can write about a particular German style you really enjoy, a facet of German beer culture which tickles your fancy, or any other way in which Germany and beer have become intertwined in your life. Bonus points for Bavarian-themed posts.

I guess it’s time to finally post the rest of my photos from my trip to Bavaria last winter. And if you were thinking how easy it would be to just talk about your trip to Oktoberfest, forget it. Here’s why.

I’m going to ask that no one submit an actual Oktoberfest trip report unless it really had some profound impact on you — the goal is to dig a little deeper and write about how German beers and beer culture have worked their way into your life (and hearts). Oh, and if you absolutely hate all beers German, that’s fair game, too — tell us why!

I applaud that exception, it’s been done to death. I think we can all do better than Oktoberfest. Perhaps when we all run out of ideas, say for Session #1,083, then we can have Oktoberfest as the topic. Until then, Germany has so much more to offer.


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