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Sixty Minutes Tackles Lowering the Drinking Age

I’ve been swamped with work lately — not that I’m complaining — but between SF Beer Week, personal issues and deadlines I’ve gotten behind on almost everything, including some Bulletin posts I’d been hoping to do. So over the next few days you may see some news that’s not really as newsy anymore, as I try to catch up. Case in point is an item about lowering the drinking age that aired on 60 Minutes in late February. I have to give CBS some credit, if for no other reason than they at least were willing to do a story that wasn’t completely one-sided, as is so often the case. Lesley Stahl’s piece did seem to approach the Choose Responsibility ideas with an air of skepticism, while appearing, at least to me, more accepting of MADD and other critics’ arguments. And naturally, the New Drys used the opportunity to continue spreading false information. Choose Responsibility — the organization advocating for lowering the drinking age to 18 created by former college dead John McCardell — was the focus of the 60 Minutes piece, and so also took the brunt of the New Drys’ attacks. They put up a rebuttal on their website to the misleading propaganda that aired during the piece. You can watch the original segment below, at Choose Responsibility or at CBS, where they also have a transcript available. Then check out Choose Responsibility’s rebuttal to get the full story, and also get a glimpse of how the New Drys use propaganda to further their ends.


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