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South Ossetia Beer

Today in 1990, South Ossetia declared their Independence from Georgia, though it remains unrecognized by most nations.

South Ossetia

South Ossetia Breweries

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Guild: None Known

National Regulatory Agency: None

Beverage Alcohol Labeling Requirements: Not Known

Drunk Driving Laws: BAC 0.08%

Beer in Ossetian Mythology: Uacilla (Уацилла; “Saint Elijah”). Also spelled Wasilla. God of rain, thunder and lightning. As protector of the harvest he is known as Хоры Уацилла (Hory Uacilla, “Uacilla of the wheat”). Anyone struck by lightning was considered chosen by the god and, if they survived, a sheep was sacrificed in their honor. His festival was celebrated in the summer with the sacrifice of a lamb and a bull and the drinking of specially brewed beer. On that day women baked bread in silence as a mark of reverence.

Alcohol Consumption By Type:

Alcohol Consumption Per Capita (in litres):

WHO Alcohol Data:

Patterns of Drinking Score: N/A

Prohibition: None

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