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Stone Old Guardian Barley Wine Delayed

Stone Brewing, formerly of San Marcos but now in their new facility in nearby Escondido, California, have announced a slight delay in the release date for Old Guardian Barley Wine. Instead of Januar 31, the seasonal beer will now be available on February 27.

Stone gave the following aditional information regarding the change in release date:

We originally announced that the 2006 Stone Old Guardian Barley Wine would come out on January 30th, however that has changed! Seems that a new brewery kinda got in the way…The 2006 Stone Old Guardian Barley Wine will now hit shelves on Monday, February 27th so change those calendars!

Your tastebuds are counting on you to check the Stone website and memorize the distribution list so you can treat them to yet another Stone Special Release. This beer is one to age in your cellar, beer ‘fridge, or someplace cool (50ish), upright, and dark.

Don’t forget about the Stone Old Guardian Barley Wine Specialty Glasses. The wallop of malt character matched with a Stone-esque amount of hops immediately tells you the Old Guardian is no standard barley wine. The Specialty Glass designed for it is equally distinctive, with a sharp angular profile that immediately tells you that this too is no standard goblet. You have no excuses to drink it out of anything else.

Always worth waiting for, Stone’s Old Guardian has consistently been one of the best bottled barleywine-style ales available.

This has been previously announced, but the 10th Anniversary Celebration has been scheduled for September 9. I still haven’t made it to one of these brouhahas yet, but perhaps this year ….

Stone also sent the following press release regarding the 10th Anniversary Party:

Are you an early riser, or an afternoon type of person? Since you’re all invited to the Stone 10th Anniversary Celebration & Invitational Beer Festival on Saturday, September 9th you need to start deciding now which session you’ll be attending. Here’s why: for this year’s event we are breaking the event into two different sessions (like last year).

Our annual event will once again be benefiting some very Worthy, local charities: the Boys & Girls Club of San Marcos, Palomar Family YMCA, the Surfrider Foundation, and Fight ALD!

Since this is our 10-year bash, we are planning on having the most guest breweries we’ve ever had, tons of great food, homebrewed sodas, and lots, lots more.

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