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The Session: Beer Blogging Friday Coming

Happy March! Stan Hieronymus over at Appellation Beer had a wacky idea a couple of weeks back, and invited the beer bloging community to join him in his gentle madness. The idea is simple enough. Once a month, in our case, on the first Friday of each month any beer bloggers who want to participate will all blog on that day on the same subject or theme. For the first time around, we’ll all be writing about stouts, and the theme is “Not Your Father’s Stout.” One blog will play host and the hosts will rotate from month to month. Stan will host the first one tomorrow and Alan McLeod of A Good Beer Blog will host the April gathering, announcing the theme shortly after March 2, and I’ll be tackling May.

I also created a logo for the event in an effort to tie the event together visually. If you’re planning on participating, I’d encourage you to grab the logo from the logo page I set up. The logo is there in different sizes and with slightly different text. I also included the original photoshop file if you want to download it and muck about with it to personalize it for your blog. I’d suggest that we all leave “The Session” text alone and personalize only the rest of the image, either the text on the mat or some other modification. I say that because we want the logo to act as a marker to inform readers of who is participating in the online event. I think we need to maintain some consistency of appearance for it to be easily recognizable and to help this idea be successful.

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